sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2013

European Union security and defence debate

Meeting in Brussels, the leaders of European Union Member States, focused his speech on a subject that was not officially on the agenda: security and defence.

This is a matter on which there is no consensus among the 28. The German Chancellor called for greater cooperation between European countries on this issue, but the British Prime Minister has made it clear that it supports the development of common military means even if it is in favour of cooperation.

Differences aside, to the European Commission this is a important sector:

"About 1.5 million jobs and a turnover of 96 billion, this is a sector that is very important for the European economy. But not only for the European economy, as has been said, and rightly, at the conclusion of the European Council on ' defence issues ', "said Barroso.

On Friday's agenda are conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, the Central African Republic and Iran.

The question is how to reach consensus on all these issues in a Europe divide up on issues such as defence. With contradictions in interpretations of Member States on how to contribute to European defence, it seems that there is a long way to go before achieving a United Front for a Europe militarily stronger.

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