segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2014

Ban Ki-moon wants Iran in Montreux to discuss future of Syria

The Secretary-General ensures that the country is committed to play a "positive and constructive role":

"The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zarif, and I, we have agreed that the goal of negotiations is to establish, by mutual consent, an organ of the Transitional Government with full executive powers. The Minister Zarif ensured that Iran will play a positive and constructive role in Montreux ".

Still, the Western countries and the Persian Gulf are reluctant because Iran supports, militarily, the Syrian President and never supported a plan for a political transition in Syria.

The United States has already warned that the invitation should be withdrawn if Iran does not demonstrate publicly its support for the creation of a transitional Government.

The opposition, for its part, Syria is unhappy with the situation and ensures that retires from international peace negotiations, if Ban Ki-moon holds the invitation.

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