quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2014

Italy: Honorary President of PD slams the door

The direction of the Democratic Party, the Prime Minister, Enrico Letta, met earlier this week in Rome to approve the Agreement sealed between Renzi and Silvio Berlusconi on reforming the electoral law that aims to strengthen the bipartisanship and reduce the influence of smaller parties.

Renzi, who is being strongly criticized by approximation to Berlusconi, says he cannot understand the controversy around the issue.

The, also, Mayor of Florence believes that choice is most appropriate having regard to the relevant political figure and says the controversy surrounding the meeting with Il Cavalieri makes no sense.

The tension within the centre-left Party is increasing. Gianni Cuperlo slammed the door and analysts believe that others are likely to follow suit.

The national press accuses the duo Renzi-Berlusconi to seize power on behalf of the institutions that drive.

The Italy is currently governed by a coalition which is part Angelino Alfano Berlusconi party dissident.

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