domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2014

Syria opposition in exile take participate in the Conference of Geneva

The four days of diplomatic initiative launched by the United States and Russia, members of the primary organization of the Syrian regime opponents they finally end the fears of the West and the Arab countries, by voting in favour of participation in the meeting.

But the President of the National Coalition of Syria made it clear that the only goal is the removal of Bashar al-Assad. Ahmed Jarba stressed that "those who think that we will be present to forget what happened in the past, are wrong. We're just going to keep alive the memories of the massacres of the regime against a people who complains about freedom and democracy ".

Jarba accused the Syrian President to conduct a "State terrorism", blaming him for the presence of militants linked to Al-Qaida in the country, fighting against the rebels.

The Assad regime has made it clear, however, who doesn't go to Switzerland "to pass the power either to anyone" and that it is the responsibility of the head of State to lead the transition.

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