quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2014

Venezuela celebrates Chávez in the middle of the popular revolt

The Bolivarian Republic, now directed by Nicolas Maduro, provides 10 days of tribute to former head of State with pomp and many protests.

The Venezuela is divided, but for many Chavez was like a father:

"I cried a lot for him, more than for my family. My mother â€" rest in peace â€" and I didn't cry, maybe I did a little at first, like everyone else, but nothing to compare to what I cried for him, "said a supporter of" chavismo ".

"I do not agree with anything, I do not agree with your Government, I do not agree with its policies and certainly do not agree with the celebrations, especially under the circumstances in the country," said a critic of power.

This day March 5, on the sidelines of the best Soviet-style military parade, thousands of opponents of the regime promised to return to the streets to denounce the growing insecurity, a record inflation â€" 56% last year â€" and the recurring shortages of basic necessities.

Tuesday, they register clashes in Altamira square in Caracas. Since the start of the defence on the streets, a month ago, at least 18 people died, 260 were injured and more than 1000 were held in Venezuela.

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