domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Peaceful presidential in Afghanistan

More than half of the electorate voted in the first ballot since the transfer of power from the international forces.

"We are very happy that yesterday's elections in an environment of peace have elapsed", said an Afghan.

"We want to be the first back. Our people, Government and economy are weakened. If we go to a second round will be a challenge to our security forces, "says another.

The Taliban threat did not materialize, the violent incidents took place on a small scale, in a country that lived 13 years of fighting that killed at least 16 thousand civilians and thousands of soldiers. It is hoped that the country is filled with now, second in charge of the observers of the European Union:

"What they expect of these elections is that the country to be able to finally make the transition peacefully, that is a huge hope for the elderly, but also, and in particular, to younger generations who want to see foreigners leave and want to really carry the future of the country in their hands."

The counting of votes will take about six weeks. There is a second round she is scheduled for late May.

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