quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2014

Denmark investigating possible export of deadly bacteria in meat

The incubation period of the disease is about two months, hence the difficulty in detection of origin of the victims ' illness.

The company reacts. "This is the worst nightmare that any producer of food, there is a link between the disease and the product. We are shocked. Now we have the chaos and the huge task ahead with the authorities to find out how this could happen, "says Christina Lowies Jensen, of the food safety division of the company Rullepolser.

Consumers are surprised. "Makes you wonder. It should not be possible in Denmark! If they were one or two cases, but gives 12 in fact idea of human error that should have been prevented, "says one man.

"I think it's terrible that our food doesn't have a better control. What more can I say? It's disgusting! "says a woman.

The Danish authorities are trying to determine if the sausages went to restaurants and if you have entered the international market.

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