quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2014

Catalans claim on the streets right to vote after Constitutional Court suspends referendum

Thousands of people demonstrated in Barcelona and several other cities in Catalonia to claim the right to vote in the referendum on independence.

The Spanish Constitutional Court suspended on Monday the completion of the consultation, convened for Nov. 9 by the Catalan regional government.

Carme Forcadell, President of the National Assembly, Catalan independentist organization said "quite happy, because despite all the rain, people wanted to express their desire to vote and their desire for democracy. And I don't understand why the Spanish State is to limit and prevent their opinion and their right to vote ".

Madrid considers, for its part, the convening of the referendum, despite the non-binding character, violates the Spanish Constitution.

A protester says that, for her, "declared unilaterally independence, but we're here to try to do it in a democratic way".

Another says that "the struggle continues and we will win".

The regional government has decided to temporarily suspend the institutional campaign for the referendum and is preparing to appeal to the Constitutional Court, believing in the possibility of a favorable outcome.

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