quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014

Romania: Foreign Minister Resigns a week after taking office

Romanian diaspora voters did drop two Foreign Ministers between the first and the second round of the presidential election.

Concerned are the problems in the Organization of the vote abroad, leaving thousands of people unable to vote.

Teodor Melecanu who came to Office just a week ago, regretted what happened, apologized to the Romanians living abroad and resigned.

The former Minister, Titus Corlatean, had also been forced to resign the day after the first presidential ballots. Both other defend themselves by invoking a law that prevents the proliferation of polls to vote, as demanded citizens in the diaspora.

400 thousand of the more than three million electors Romanians living abroad. Several thousands were unable to vote in this presidential election. The discontent expressed together Romanian diplomatic delegations all over the world.

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