sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2015

Berlin says that compensation to Greece's case closed

Berlin's reaction comes after the Greek Minister of Justice threatened to give "green light" to the application of a Supreme Court decision dating from the year 2000, which provided for the possible seizure of German goods on Greek territory.

In the German capital, the Government spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said that "we must concentrate on the present and a good future for both countries."

A Greek parliamentary Committee had estimated at 162 billion the value of compensation for Berlin, an amount equivalent to about half of Greece's public debt.

Professor Stelios Perakis, the Panteion University of Athens, says that "if we consider that Germany has, today, a responsibility for the past, in particular due to the continuity of the State, then you have to pay".

The dispute exacerbated in recent years since many Greeks consider Germany as mainly responsible for the harsh austerity policy imposed to them in the face of the financial crisis.

Rodrigo Barbosa | With AFP/Reuters

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