quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2015

Cartoons: "it's the laugh that chastises the customs"

This time, cartoonists from all over the world resorted to satire and humour to criticise those who, for several years, allow hundreds of illegal immigrants continue to die in the Mediterranean Sea.

A journey in choppy waters, but not for everyone. Is what reveals the video and photography published on social networks by Amnesty International

Our governments are spending money patrolling borders when they could be saving refugees and migrants ' lives. EU leaders have power to change this. Make them care: http://bit.ly/FortressEurope

Help illegal immigrants. Are some of the words most heard, in the four corners of the world, after another week of shipwrecks in the Mediterranean

RT Dontexisteurope: EU leaders: Act Now to Save Migrants and Refugees Lives! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/EUsummit?src=hash">#EUsummit</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/EU2013LT">EU2013LT pic.twitter.com/zeckU90n1I</a>

The French cartoonist Plantu compares the Mediterranean Sea to a cemetery in one of the latest tragedies where 400 illegal immigrants died and points the finger at politicians

#Lampedusa: Migrants lost in waves!,... A Cartoon by plantu <a href="http://t.co/sgTHrScjxM">pic.twitter.com/sgTHrScjxM</a><p>â€" Ali Kheradpir (AliKheradpir) abril 19, 2015

Humans "pontapeados." Peter Brookes, British cartoonist illustrates in a sentiment echoed by many image about what's happening with illegal immigrants in Italy.

My cartoon on Friday TheTimes on the EU's shameful attitude to migrants sailing from N Africa. <a href="http://t.co/Xut9GbYEgd">pic.twitter.com/Xut9GbYEgd</a><p>â€" Peter Brookes (BrookesTimes) abril 17, 2015

The Italian television RAI paid tribute to all depart in this perilous adventure in search of a better life in this way:

From Spain comes a cartoon that needs no comment. This is worth a thousand words.

The European shipwreck, once more http://t.co/q2exonOY2j by barahmikail researcher of <a href="https://twitter.com/FRIDE">FRIDE (bullet: Ricardo) pic.twitter.com/4ySz8KCjic</a>

This mount has become viral on social networks. In the image we see world leaders who participated in the March, in Paris, convened after the massacre in the French weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo, at risk of sinking


Several cartoonists joined to denounce the abandonment of European Union policy towards illegal immigrants. These are some of the images published by the movement on the online platform.

#Cartoon Movement â€" WHY SEA LEVELS ARE RISING http://t.co/EwP1DQ59To #migrants #migration pic.twitter.com/Ka7fCk61EU

Cartoon Movement â€" The immigration problem and the EU http://t.co/ygOKt1Fr3Z #migrants #migration pic.twitter.com/1EE66ysthq

Cannon fodder. This is how the South African cartoonist, Brandan e. Reynolds, illustrates what's happening

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