sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2015

NATO discusses global conflicts to the rhythm of "Karaoke"

The Baltic countries announced their intention to ask for a permanent detachment of 2 thousand soldiers, spread over three countries, for a mission of deterrence, vis-à-vis the conflict in Ukraine.

A proposal should be examined soon when, according to the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg:

"In this increasingly dangerous environment in terms of security, NATO will continue to protect and defend every ally against all threats. That's why we're going to adjust our Alliance to this environment and implement the further strengthening of our collective defense since the end of the cold war ".

The Baltic countries ' request is however far from being accepted by consensus, as it could violate the 1997 agreement between NATO and Russia.

According to some sources, the organization prefers to bet on rapid intervention force, approved last year, instead of installing permanent detachments in European countries.

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