terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2015

Strategy in the fight against the Islamic State criticized inside and outside the u.s.

The more than 3,000 coalition raids led by Washington still failed to halt the progression of the extremists in Iraq and Syria.

Gen. Ghassem Souleimani, who runs external operations of the Iranian elite force, accused the United States of "not having done anything" to help the Iraqi army in Ramadi.

On Sunday, Republican John McCain, who leads the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said that "there is a strategy. If someone says that there is, it is not apparent. We're getting reports horrible [Syria City] of Palmira, where they are to perform civil leave the bodies in the streets and in the meantime, the President of the United States says that the greatest enemy are climate change ".

Baghdad also assumed a critical position towards Washington, rejecting the charges made by the United States Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, who said that the Iraqi army has shown "unwillingness" to fight the jihadists.

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