quinta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2015

Thailand: police discloses portrait of suspect in bombing

The Thai police released a sketch of the alleged perpetrator of the bombing Bangkok, who made two dozen dead and more than 120 wounded next to a temple in the capital.

The authorities try to now ascertain the nationality of the suspect, who appears in footage from a surveillance camera shortly before the attack. Was offered a reward of about 25,000 euros for any information leading to his arrest.

The head of the Thai police need, however, that "it is unlikely that the attack has been committed by a single person. Is likely to have contact with the involvement or support of others ".

While pursuing the investigation, family members friends of the victims joined this Wednesday at a candlelight vigil in the Temple of Bangkok in the attack Monday, reopened again to the public. Other residents of the Thai capital also decided to honor those who lost their lives.

A local explains that made sure to pass by the temple, it is "very sorry about what happened". Adds that never thought "something like this if I could produce in central Bangkok.

Most of the victims have been identified but, in the morgue of the Thai capital, the authorities are trying to identify the remaining, while family members mourn the loss. Among the dead there are Chinese, Malays and some British, among other nationalities.

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