segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015

"Crushing during the Hajj was Allah's will," says Saudi cleric

The Stampede during the Hajj was "beyond human control".

That's how the main Saudi cleric described the incident which killed more than 700 pilgrims near Mecca for two days.

The crushing took place in Mina, where they meet the Jamarat pillars that symbolize the devil. Part of the ritual involves the stoning of pillars.

The Islamic ritual of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca ends this Saturday.

"I pray for all the victims of this crushing, I pray they are considered martyrs. We offer our condolences to their families and that their death was not in vain, it was Allah's will, "said one Egyptian Pilgrim, Siraj-Eddin Abdel Satttar.

The victims include at least 131 dead Iranians.

The news provoked strong reactions in Tehran whose government accuses Saudi Arabia of responsibility for the incident.

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