segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015

Russia and Estonia Exchange spies

The Russian secret service, FSB, announced the delivery of Eston Kohver, an Estonian security official detained in Russia last year.

Kohver was replaced by Alexei Dressen, a former Estonian official sentenced to 16 years in prison and accused of espionage in favour of Russia.

The prisoner exchange took place on a bridge over the river Piusa, a remote region of the country.

"I'm very happy to be back home. I want to thank everyone who supported me and not esuqeceram me. Special thanks to all those who helped my family ... ", Kohver in a press conference in the national territory.

The exchange of spies brings to mind the cold war.

The arrest of Kohver took place in September last year and sparked a crisis between the two countries.

Estonia claims that Kohver was detained in Brazil, while Russia argues that his arrest occurred on Russian territory.

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