quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2015

Environmental activist "prohibited" in Russia takes refuge in France

The environmental activist, in front of a small NGO complaint of radioactive contamination in the South Urals region, was forced to leave the country for a few months, after being considered a "foreign agent" by the Russian authorities.

The organization founded by activist-Planet Nadezh-and in the meantime settled, is dedicated to denounce the consequences of one of the most serious and most secret Russian nuclear incidents, occurred in 1957, at Mayak, in the city of Ozersk.

The explosion in a underground reservoir was contaminated more than 23 thousand square kilometers of land, forcing the evacuation of 23 villages in the region.

The environmental activist had dedicated the last decades to demand that the Russian authorities recognize the consequences of the accident and compensate hundreds of victims.

Second Kutepova, five villages remain installed in the region, where the authorities reject recognize the contamination persists in the area.

A fight in the name of ecology, which the Russian authorities consider now as a "political activity".

Currently a refugee in France, the activist incurs a penalty of up to 300 thousand rubles of fine, law, approved for 3 years by the Kremlin, which obliges organizations financed by third countries to register as "foreign agents".

Among the various donors of the organisation of activist-Planet Nadezhd-is the Fund of the United States Government, "American National Endowment for Democracy", with an annual contribution of EUR 37,500.

Kutepova claims to have decided to flee the country after being accused of spying by the local media, and after the authorities have strengthened the law against the foreign NGOs, in may, predicting the possibility of close associations, "threaten the constitutional order or security of the State".

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