terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2015

French agent involved in the deadly attack against the Rainbow Warrior the Greenpeace for 30 years apologizes

"I would like to take this opportunity to express my regret and apologize" â€" declared Jean-Luc Kister, a former diver Sapper of French intelligence, in an interview to the website Mediapart Gaul, published this Sunday.

"In France the President's Chief of staff. This could have been the French Watergate "â€" released the former.

Fernando Pereira was the only victim of the bombing of the day July 10, 1985. The excuses now presented are a poor consolation for the Director of Greenpeace in New Zealand, Bunny McDiarmid:

"I'm happy with the apology from someone involved in this fiasco killer. But thirty years later no one was held responsible for the murder of Fernando. Put a bomb on a boat in the middle of the night, when they knew that a lot of people were sleeping on board. There's a lot of disinformation and lies. "

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