sábado, 7 de novembro de 2015

Star Wars fan terminal saw the movie before the premiere

Daniel Fleetwood, 32 years old, suffering from a terminal cancer that you hit 90% already of the lungs. The film is scheduled to debut on December 18, and as I was afraid of not living up to the premiere, made an appeal on social networks.

The Director, J.J. Abrams, called the Daniel on Wednesday to tell him that a version of the film would be terminated not submitted and the next day might see her with his wife, Ashley.

His lungs are now 90% full of tumors. Time is running out. Please DisneyFR <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ForceForDaniel?src=hash">#ForceForDaniel</a> <a href="https://t.co/fgUJRy5dvt">pic.twitter.com/fgUJRy5dvt</a><p>â€" Ashley Fleetwood (pandorashley) 2 Novembre 2015

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