sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2015

Arab League wants the Turkish army out of Iraq

The Ministers for Foreign Affairs (external) of the Arab League condemned on Thursday what they regard as "a Turkish military intervention" in Iraqi territory.

The Arab League stance happens when about 600 Turkish soldiers are in northern Iraqi territory in Bashika near Mosul region.

The meeting, held with urgent character at the request of the Iraqi Government, took place in Cairo and ended with the demand that Ankara withdraw "immediately and without any conditions" the troops from Iraqi territory.

To the heads of diplomacy of the different Arab States, Iraq can stand up to "an attack on national sovereignty and the Arab world is suffering an attack against its security."

The Iraqi Foreign Minister, Ibrahim al-Jafari, meanwhile, called for a "determined response" by the Arab League against the "Turkish" violation against the Iraqi sovereignty.

Ankara maintains that the presence of Turkish soldiers in Iraqi territory only serves a purpose: to protect its military personnel, which is the form Iraqi soldiers for the fight against the self-proclaimed Islamic State (EI).

The Turkish Government has been collaborating with Baghdad in fighting the jihadists in the region. In March, Ankara sent a set of military trainers to the Arab country. The 600 soldiers entered Iraqi territory later in "protection mission," mission that was never approved by the Iraqi Government, but by the autonomous authority of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Despite the determination shown by the Arab League, the possibility of an Iraqi military response to the Turkish intervention is unlikely.

According to Euronews correspondent in Cairo, this is a very remote possibility and even impossible in the short term.

Mohamed Shaikibrahim says Iraq continues with many problems, including the fight against EI, on several fronts, as well as the internal divisions that persist in undermining stability in the country.

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