sábado, 26 de dezembro de 2015

Syria: Possible partial ceasefire in Damascus

In Syria, a deal done with the help of the United Nations could allow a cease-fire in partial region of Damascus. The measure could allow thousands of rebels abandon the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk, where infiltrated in April.

Negotiations imply the existence of agreements between some of the rebel groups and the Syrian Government of Bashar al-Assad.

Some of the rebels may be members of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (HEY), who wish to go to the city of Raqqa, the de facto capital.

About of 18 1000 people live in this refugee camp. Are currently hostages of different factions fighting against the Syrian Government, on the one hand, and of the Government itself, on the other, which prevents them from fleeing the area.

The Government of Bashar al-Assad says however be ready for peace negotiations, negotiations that will take place from late January next.

The goal is the end of a four-year civil war and about 250,000 dead and a million refugees.

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