quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2015

Controversy: Donald Trump may be prohibited from entering the United Kingdom

More than 300,000 British signed a petition on the internet that argues that the American multimillionaire, Donald Trump, is banned from entering the United Kingdom.

The petition comes after the candidate in the race to the nomination for the Republican nomination for the White House, have proposed banning any Muslim from entering the United States of America.

Trump angered the British, too, when, a few days ago, said that in London there are areas where Muslim communities are so radicalised "cops fear for their own lives".

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said that even I would like to invite the us to see the city but claims not to want to "expose the Londoners to any unnecessary risk of bump with Donald Trump."

To overcome the bar of 100 1000 signatures, the conditions necessary for the petition can be discussed by the British Parliament.

In addition to having achieved the repudiation on the part of the international community, the statements of Donald Trump opened a rift within the Republican party. Jeb Bush and the Chairman of the conservatives in the House of representatives, Paul Ryan, made a point to show repudiation.

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