segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2016

Iran celebrates end of sanctions amid criticism of Israel

The Iranian President described the implementation of the nuclear agreement between your country and six world powers as a triumph that satisfied all parties except the radicals.

The statements were made in the Iranian Parliament on Sunday in Tehran.

"" This nuclear agreement is in fact a golden page in the history of our country. During these negotiations, we get to see our nuclear rights recognised by the major nuclear powers. Everyone was happy with the agreement except the Zionists, proponents of the war, and those who cause divisions between Muslims and radical in the United States, "said Hassan Rouhani addressing parliamentarians.

Reacting to news of th e implementation of the nuclear agreement, the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, said that this is a step forward in view of the stability in the region.

However, despite the party atmosphere in Iran not everyone believes that this agreement is a success.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, made it clear that Israel will never allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.

"The international community must impose harsh sanctions against any violations by Iran. Without our efforts for the implementation of sanctions and to prevent Iran's nuclear plan, this country would have obtained nuclear weapons a long time ago. Israel doesn't change policy: we will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, "he said.

In Washington, President Obama said that this agreement reveals the potential of diplomacy. However, he said, does not mean the end of differences between the two countries.

According to Obama, one obstacle remained the Iranian ballistic missile program.

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