sábado, 19 de março de 2016

Contesting Dilma divides Brazil

Protest in Brasilia meets 8 1000 in front of Congress, say police. https://t.co/8UW6m29bge

Concentrations spread to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, where a few thousand people blocked major arteries. "I'm fighting against corruption. After what happened, this slap in the face, put the Squid as Minister is insulting the Brazilian people. So that's how, I came alone, I believe in change of a country. I sincerely hope that this will bring a result for us in the future, "â€" explained a carioca.

The country is running high after a day in which the inauguration of Lula da Silva as Minister of President Dilma Rousseff was the subject of legal challenge and is currently suspended after a ping-pong of judgments. Justice has recorded two dozen lawsuits against the appointment. The National Congress was also beginning this Thursday, the process of removal of Dilma. For today are provided for various expressions of support for the President.

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