quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2016

Syria opposition: "If military withdrawal is partial, that Russia do with the rest of the troops?"

"If the Russian military withdrawal is partial, we ask: what will the Russia do in Syria with the rest of your troops?"

A new round of negotiations by the end of the conflict in Syria started Monday in Geneva and is expected to be extended until March 24, being previsat after a pause of up to 10 days, and again resume the talks in April.

"I think the decision to withdraw Russian military is positive if it is, in fact, a reality on the ground. A complete withdrawal of the Russian forces will certainly have an impact on the talks here in Geneva, but if that military withdrawal is partial, we ask: what will the Russia do in Syria with the rest of your troops? "he asked Salim al-Muslet.

The representative of the Commission of Syria opposition to negotiations in Geneva took part, however, in a symbolic ceremony just a few days of the tragic anniversary of Syrian conflict. Salim al-Muslet released flowers at the end of a war that, as of March 2011, will have already done more than 270 1000 dead and led millions to flee their homes.

“The toll of the conflict on the Syrian people goes beyond anything we could have imagined” â€" #COISyria #Syria5Years pic.twitter.com/lPwlqV8Box

“Today marks 5 years of suffering by the Syrian people” â€" ahfawzi, spokesperson for the UN Syria Envoy. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SyriaTalks?src=hash">#SyriaTalks</a> <a href="https://t.co/CSZxxUMlkO">pic.twitter.com/CSZxxUMlkO</a><p>â€" UN Geneva (UNGeneva) 15 de março de 2016

Today is 5 years since the war in Syria started, #IamSyrian and I’m #WithSyria: https://t.co/m8bdgsoItE pic.twitter.com/vifXIaGUdF

Five long years â€" Commission of Inquiry on Syria report to the UN Human Rights Council. #Syria5years #HRC31 https://t.co/IAxgAJZmF8

#Syria5Years â€" on 5th anniversary of conflict, UN & partners appeal for peace: https://t.co/vYR8D9MRKG #SyriaTalks pic.twitter.com/6ObbILEeun

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