quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2016

Employment: gender inequality diminishes in Portugal but worsens with age

Portugal is among the good students, with a difference of 6.7%, lower than the recorded last year and well below the European average. A number far from champion of gender equality, to Finland (2.1%), but much more distant from Italy, where only 50.6% of women are employed, compared with 70.6% of the men, a difference of 20%. Malta, in 2015, gets the sad record of the Member State with the highest disparities in this area.

Disparity increases with age

Eurostat's figures show, however, that, despite the progress workplace inequality continues to increase with age.

In Portugal, if 65% of women between 20 and 64 years old have a job, the number reduces to 44.6% for workers between 55 and 64 years, as well as increases the difference between male (from 7% to more than 11% for women from 55 years).

A difference that is worsening, even after retirement. If, according to the 2010 numbers, the wage difference between men and women was 12.8% Portuguese (below the EU average of 16.4%), in retirement, a man receives on average EUR 313 pension more than a woman (2011).

Despite a slight improvement of the situation of women in active age, the female remains still the most discriminated against, the level of unemployment and reform.

According to Eurostat, the percentage of females looking for a job is 13.5%, higher than the average of 9.8% in the EU.

A frame mitigated only by increasing the number of women in leadership positions â€" more 10% since 2002 â€" even though, currently, only 6% take up positions.

The clock of the wage inequality in the u.s.

In the United States, the workers earn, on average, only 79% of what their male colleagues earn in a day's work. The MTV television took the initiative to create a watch to remember, every minute that disparity.

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