terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2016

Panama-Iceland: Prime Minister not Gunnlaugsson resigns

Suspicions about Gunnlaugsson arise from the fact that he and his wife have constituted in 2007 1 British Virgin Islands society to manage the fortune of his wife and then have omitted in the Declaration of assets when he was elected in 2009.

But the Prime Minister guarantees never to have infringed the law, although he declined to talk about the company in an interview in mid-March, confronted with the sale of its position on the dollar after months of being the Government. The opposition demands the resignation of the head of Government.

"The people I've met say they're very sad not to have gone further in the reconstruction of the climate of trust in our society after the banking collapse in 2008. These events naturally don't help, "explains Katri n Jakobsdottir â€" leader of the left-Green movement.

NOW: Thousands of people surround congress to demand the resignation of Prime Minister #Gunnlaugsson, #panamapapers pic.twitter.com/XfkFZECI09

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