segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2016

Switzerland says no to Unconditional Basic Income

In Geneva, Switzerland, the poster is larger than a football field and says: "what would you do if your income was assured?"

The Unconditional Basic Income (RBI) is one of the proposals put to the vote today in a referendum and whose projections point to a rejection of 80%. The results are expected later this afternoon.

.gfsbern projection on <a href="">#basicincome</a> vote across Switzerland: yes 22%, no 78% <a href="">#abst16</a> <a href="">#grundeinkommen</a> <a href="">#chvote</a> <a href="https://twitter .com/hashtag/bge?src=hash">#bge</a> <a href="">#ubi</a> <a href="">#5juni</a> <a href="">#gescheitert</a><p>â€" Swiss Gold Vote (swissgoldvote) 5 juin 2016

The promoters of the initiative argue that a monthly guaranteed income of around 200 euros per adult and 2 1000 (2500 francs) and 560 euro per child (625 francs) up to 18 years would promote human dignity and public service and are eligible for the fundamental principle of the right to life. The need arises from the growing jobs due to technological development, they say.

With that reference value, and considering all Swiss citizens, the RBI would amount to an annual expenditu re of 208 1000 million francs (188 1000 million euros).

The first phase of implementing the proposal would avoid the total universe citizens with income greater than or equal to 2,500 francs of the RBI, which would be paid primarily to children, the "working poor" and the parents who take care of children staying at home with them. Anticipates the subtraction of social benefits that would become redundant as scholarships, family allowances, among other support.

In the accounts that the proposal presents the final amount to finance the measure would be by 18 1000 million francs (1000 16.3 million euros), about 3% of the GDP of Switzerland.

Prosecutors point to the fight against poverty and inequality, the stimulus to educatio n and entrepreneurship and personal financial independence as significant social impacts and generators of a corporate paradigm shift.

On the other hand, reject the opposition argument that the RBI would lead many people to not want to work, ensuring that the desire to be productive is own of human nature and that this would allow the search of uplifting and enriching activities.

The Swiss Government expressed on the grounds that the cost would be unbearable and weaken the economy.

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