domingo, 10 de julho de 2016

' Brexit ' precipitates vote on British nuclear fleet renewal

The British Parliament will vote to renew Trident military nuclear program, before the holidays, the July 18.

The decision was announced by the British Prime Minister during the NATO Summit in Warsaw.

After the victory of the ' Brexit ', Cameron had ensured that London will remain a pillar of the Atlantic Alliance and the security of the European continent.

According to Cameron: "the nuclear deterrent remains essential, in my view, not only to the British but security, as underlined our allies here today, for all the security of the NATO Alliance. The renewal of the Trident programme will enable us to modernize our nuclear deterrent system, with the replacem ent of four submarines. We need to vote this decision in order to move forward with the financing ".

With the vote to July 18, Cameron claims to want to make progress on the project before the appointment of a new Prime Minister in September.

The renovation of the four Vanguard submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles, 16 is budgeted at more than 15,000,000,000 pounds.

The subject is divided, however, most conservative, in favour of the project, the labor opposition, denouncing a costly and ineffective program.

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