segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2016

USA: Police detains hundreds of militants during new protests "Black Live Matters"

The protests against the deaths of two young blacks by police ended in clashes and arrests, tonight, in the United States.

At least 200 people were arrested and 5 policemen were injured during the March organized by the movement "Black Lives Matter", denouncing the police violence against the African-American community.

In Baton rouge, Louisianna, where the young Alton Sterling had been killed by two policemen, authorities arrested 125 people, including the militant Deray, who filmed the McKesson his arrest in straight on the Internet.

Video: @deray was arrested during the #BatonRouge protest Saturday night while he was livestreaming VtXbmBxesx

In Saint Paul, Minnesota, where Philando Castile was killed by a police officer during a traffic control, the militants blocked a highway for several hours. At least 50 people were detained.

Demonstrations are continuing after the Thursday attack that caused the deaths of five police officers in Dallas.

IRA Carter, a local police officer says:

"We have a good working relationship with our community. It's not a perfect relationship, but we try to understand the people to whom we work and reward us with love and support. "

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