terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2013

Egyptian tourism struggle for survival

In Egypt the tourism industry is experiencing a deep recession due to the situation that the country is experiencing. Many tour operators cancelled trips and there are many countries who advise their citizens not to travel to Egypt.

Yet some people risk and take advantage of more attractive prices now proposed.

"It seems to be quite nice. It's all very good. The hotel, the beach. The Red Sea is beautiful. I love being here, "said a German tourist.

The Ministry of tourism tries to overcome the crisis acting along with foreign ambassadors to ensure that there are tourist areas totally secure.

Tourism represents for the economy of Egypt about 11% of gross domestic product.

"Travel in this region, Hurghada, Red Sea and South Sinai. Is in Cairo, many hundreds of miles from here, where are located all "hot spots". Tourists can see with their own eyes that there's no danger, they're safe, and that the Government is very committed to provide complete safety to tourists who come to Egypt, "Hesham Zaazoi, Egyptian Minister of tourism.

In the city of Hurghada, on the Red Sea, is visible the presence of a small group of foreigners, and of course the closure of hotels for lack of tourists. Of the few visitors, most are Egyptians coming from Cairo on the run of the violence there.

"On Egypt tourism zones across a notorious decline in the influx of foreign tourists due to the political situation and the lack of security. It is through the domestic tourism which the Egyptians try to compensate and retrieve the attraction of these areas with the return of calm to the streets of the country, "said Mohammed Shaikhibrahim, Euronews, in the city of Hurghada.

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