segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013

Fukushima: Tokyo Government assumes management of problem of contaminated water

The Japanese Government will involve itself directly in the management of problems created by the water leak highly radioactive nuclear power plant in Fukushima. Faced with accusations of incompetence, the TEPCO will now ask advice abroad.

Last week about 300 thousand gallons escaped from the reservoirs and ended up in the Pacific Ocean. It was the fifth flight and the most serious since the accident caused by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. This Monday the Minister of industry, Commerce and energy visited central. Motegi Toshimutu criticized the way the TEPCO has managed the issue of contaminated water and stated that from now on the Government will take control.

The fishermen of the area lost all hope to return to work soon after satisfactory analyses that had been collected over the past two years. The latest analyses show that 40 percent of the samples are contaminated. A fisherman accuses the company that runs the nuclear power plant to be always running behind the prejudice, rather than anticipate the problems and to fix things once and for all, so, he says, it's impossible to trust managers of TEPCO.

The head of Japanese diplomacy, Fumio Kishida, visited the Ukrainian Chernobyl plant on Sunday and found as the battle to control the accident continues 27 years after the catastrophe.

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