domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013

Cameron asks for investigation of war crimes in Sri Lanka

The head of the British Government wants Colombo authorities complete the investigation until the end of next year, or allow the international community to make an independent investigation: "at the point where we, the Sri Lankan Government does not accept the need for an independent inquiry. I launched this inquiry. Launched a reconciliation Committee that has done some good work, but there is more to be done. This is a topic of international concern and that's the way we want it to be seen ".

Cameron spoke on the sidelines of the Commonwealth Summit in Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka.

The Summit brings together the heads of Government of Commonwealth countries. Besides serving to discuss politics, the meeting was also the pretext for David Cameron to meet some of the stars of Sri Lankan cricket. The Prime Minister came to rehearse a few passes with Murali, considered the King of the sport in the country.

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