terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2013

Germany: expected until Wednesday CDU/SPD agreement for formation of Government

Among the most sensitive issues on the table of negotiations is dual nationality for the Turks who live in Germany and the introduction of a minimum wage, presented by the SPD.

Despite the triumph of Merkel in the September legislative, conservatives are bound to a coalition because it failed to obtain an absolute majority in the Bundestag.

To pursue a third term in Office, Angela Merkel deal since October with the SPD a so-called "Grand Coalition", as happened between 2005-2009, during the first term.

However, for the Social Democrats Government formation depends on the party's bases.

Between 6 and 12 December, the SPD will consult the approximately 470 thousand activists about the eventual agreement with the CDU and disseminate the results until the day 15, i.e. two days before the date set for the election of Merkel as head of the new Government.

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