sábado, 29 de março de 2014

Yanukovich wants referendums throughout Ukraine

The deposed President's position is rejected by own party of Yanukovych, the party of regions. However, the former President asked, in a letter to cease to be a party member.

Hanna Herman is a member of the party of regions, "Said Mr Yanukovich that Ukraine is a poor country and he knows why reason is poor. That's why we can't afford to make a referendum in every town and every village, when we know the answer in advance: every city, every region, belongs to Ukraine ".

The party's political Committee recommends Mikhailo Dobkin, the Governor of the Kharkiv region, presidential candidate of the day may 25, but the final decision is for this Saturday.

"Among the candidates with whom Russia could speak, Petro Poroshenko, we speak also of Sergei Tigipko and Mikhaylo Dobkin, who is the most likely candidate for Moscow," says Hanna Herman.

Even if these are candidates who, in case of victory, Moscow may prove to have a dialogue, Putin's Government has already said it does not recognize the upcoming Ukrainian elections.

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