quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2014

Nigeria target new attack

A new attack attributed to the radical Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria, caused at least 30 dead.

The number of victims continues to increase. Since the beginning of the week were killed about 200 people.

In the Centre of the country, still account for the victims of the double bombing on the eve, in Jos. the last balance sheet points to about 120 dead and more than half a hundred wounded.

The first bomb went off in a busy area of the city, where it runs a market and several shops. This was followed by the explosion of a booby-trapped bus, which took by surprise the emergency crews.

Nigeria has declared war on Boko Haram after the abduction of more than 200 teenagers in mid-May. Several countries are involved in rescue operations, but the whereabouts of the young remains unknown.

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