domingo, 13 de julho de 2014

Israel will keep military offensive

The Israeli army will keep air and ground bombardments against Hamas fighters in Gaza. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday that Israel attacked more than 1,000 targets during the four-day military offensive and bombardment operations will be continued.

During a press conference in Tel Aviv, the head of the Israeli Government made it clear that no international pressure can stop these military operations, because security is at stake the citizens of Israel.

The Prime Minister has not ruled out the possibility of advancing with a terrestrial intervention in Gaza, stating that all alternatives are being considered.

Netanyahu also said that Israel is using twice the force used during the military offensive of 2012. Since the beginning of the bombing of recent days died more than a hundred palestianianos.

The United Nations High Commissioner, Navi Pillay, said there are serious doubts about whether the Israeli attacks are to respect international humanitarian law and human rights.

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