segunda-feira, 4 de agosto de 2014

State Islamic jihadists conquer cities in northern Iraq

Two more Iraqi cities will have passed this Sunday for control of the dubbed Islamic State (EI), the jihadist group that has been gaining territory for weapons and by terror.

The Islamic fundamentalist group announced, however, some images that show, on the one hand, what they say they are warnings to Iraqi and Kurdish soldiers surrender and thus avoid avoid being captured and executed, and, on the other hand, alleged moments of combat.

The latest cities, however, taken by the Islamic fundamentalist group are the Afar and in Sinjari Kurdish region of Iraq, West of Mosul, one of the largest cities in Iraq that is in the possession of the Group formerly known as ISIL (whose acronym translation to Portuguese was Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). The jihadists had already taken too Zumar, a little further north, and even an oil field in the region, forcing the flight of Kurdish fighters and many residents of this region.

Are these days on the run in this dangerous region in northern Iraq about 200 thousand civilians. Only in Kurdistan, housed in warehouses of parkas, conditions are, however, approximately 300 thousand Iraqi refugees, who fled the jihadist offensive, which aims to create a new State under Islamic fundamentalist law and whose desired borders include part of Syria and a large part of Iraq.

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