sábado, 4 de outubro de 2014

Rousseff leads Brazil: presidential preferences, Marina at risk

Datafolha: AecioNeves rises (21%) and in technical draw with <a href="https://twitter.com/silva_marina">silva_marina (24%) dilmabr</a> follows with 40% <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Eleicoes2014?src=hash">#Eleicoes2014</a><p>â€" Earth News (TerraNoticiasBR) October 2, 2014

Before going to the polls next Sunday (October 5), on Thursday was held at Globo TV the last debate â€" the fourth â€" between the seven leading contenders in the race. During the 2:30 that lasted the multipart confrontation, the focus was, of course, in separate duels between Dilma and key competitors, Marina and Aetius, who mixed trading of accusations involving cases like the Mensalão, Petrobras and the country's economic and social policies.

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Among the various arguments and despite growing criticism of the internal administration of the country, the favorite expressed a desire to keep the bet Brazil's outward.

"We will develop our relations with the European Union and our traditional relations with the United States. This means that the Brazil defends multilateral relations and agreements the most diverse possible, "Dilma Rousseff defended.

Corruption drains billions, and prevents this money be used for health, for safety, for portability. #BrasilMarina40

Marina Silva, for his part, between the two adversaries direct criticism and allegations of both have been attached to the weakening, his presidential program for the people, whose revolt against the Government has been doing feel more intensely this last year.

"We have the clarity that Brazilian society, which won the hard way some gains inside your House, now wants to have a Government which extend those gains the out door," said the Socialist candidate, adding: "once you have gone to College, to see the work, (the Brazilian) now wants the service you deserve for tax it pays."

"I want to be the President of all Brazilians to make an honorable and efficient government" #45AecioConfirma

With the latter argument, Marina showed confidence in ensuring almost certain presence in the second round of the presidential-scheduled for October 26 if no candidate reaches 50 percent of the vote. The recent Datafolha poll puts it, however, Aécio Neves in front of this challenge, by pressing the ambitions of an ecologist. The social democrat backed a strategy "antipetismo" (against the PT) and has not forgotten the pensioners.

In Portugal, thirty thousand Brazilians will have also, on Sunday, a say in these elections in Brazil.

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