domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2015

COP21: Ecologists put policymakers "on line"

Hundreds of militants from several NGO's besieged symbolically the site of International Conference, on Friday, before the final agreement expected this Saturday.

One protester says, "is a big red line that symbolizes the boundaries that policymakers must not exceed to obtain this agreement. It is a cry for defense of the key points of an agreement, in terms of Justice and finance and the goal is to show the international leaders who cannot overcome this line ".

A red line of activists stretches in the heart of the #COP21 to recall the limits comply with ds agreement

Another protester says, "this is our way of demonstrating the hope for a climate deal that gives the opportunity to the next generation and the following to live under the same conditions as we. Is a decisive opportunity because if we don't do something now, there won't be no plan B, or a planet B ".

In parallel, several activists of the Greenpeace organization took over the Arc de Triomphe, in Paris, to underline the importance of betting on renewable energy.

ACTION the @fhollande to save the climate, renew energy! It takes 100% of ENR before 2050 #100RE4all #solaire

An action in the air and on the asphalt â€" painted with the colors of the Sun by activists-that ended with the arrest of several militants of the organization.

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