domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2016

Tunisia: Demonstrations for jobs spread-if

The Tunisia was the scene of the beginning of the so-called "Arab spring" and one of the few cases of successful democratic transition. In 2011, it all started with a suicide.

The President Beji Caid Essebsi proved to be touched: "I know that the State and the Government can find the appropriate funds, even if we have to go get them somewhere else. It's our responsibility, "said in a communication to the country.

Kasserine, one of the poorest cities in the country, where the latter suicide, was the scene of demonstrations for jobs, some marked by violence.

The protests began here and burned up after three other cities in the South-Central Tunisia. The man who committed suicide were looking for employment in the public sector.

As for the private sector, the main Union and employers ' Association have reached an agreement that will allow to increase the salary to about one and a half million employees.

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