quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2016

UN reveals terror experienced by the Iraqi population

"The atrocities include ethnic cleansing, murder, abduction, sexual violence, arbitrary destruction of cultural and religious property, destruction of essential infrastructure, slavery and sexual slavery"

"Shocking" and "appalling" are some of the adjectives that the UN uses to talk about the life of the civilian population in Iraq over the past two years. In a report published Tuesday, the humanitarian picture that is made of the country leaves no doubt: life has little value in the region where humanity has created the first civilization.

"Since January 2014 we have over 18 1000 civilians killed as a result of the conflict in Iraq. In addition there are more than 3 million people who have left their homes, entire communities that have been displaced within the country "â€" explains the responsible UN regional Human Rights, Mohammad Ali Alnsour. The report also enumerates more than 36 1000 people injured. But the figures cited in the document can sin by default, warn the rapporteurs.

Iraqi refugees deserve respect & compassion â€" UNrightswire report on civilian death toll <a href="https://t.co/oTCJUNvo3a">https://t.co/oTCJUNvo3a</a> <a href="https://t.co/lvP9kbsQOH">pic.twitter.com/lvP9kbsQOH</a><p>â€" United Nations (UN) 19 janeiro 2016

Although not the only, the self-proclaimed Islamic State is singled out as the main responsible for a list of heinous crimes.

"The atrocities include ethnic cleansing, murder, abduction, sexua l violence, arbitrary destruction of cultural and religious property, destruction of essential infrastructure, slavery and sexual slavery of minority communities" â€" underlines the Director of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq, Francesco Motta.

It is estimated that around 3500 people are kept in slavery. The Yezidi community is one of the main victims of these crimes of war and against humanity, but it's not the only one.

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