quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016

Anniversary of Earth Day in Israel marks the death of six Israeli Arabs for 40 years

Palestinians and Arab Israelis left the street in Israel on March 30 day mark the 40th anniversary of earth day.

The day report to 1976 when six Arab citizens of the Jewish State were killed by Israeli security forces during protests against the confiscation of land in the Israeli Galilee region.

In Araba, an Israeli Arab city, hundreds took part in the demonstration. Mohammad Barakeh, the direction of the High Committee for Arab citizens of Israel, declared: "the Earth Day was the first Palestinian uprising and began here, in this land, in the land of Batoof, in Galilee, in Muthalath and in the Negev. Began as a defence of the land that the Israelis wanted to confiscate but became the day of protection of existence, a national day, Palestin ian, Arab and international. "

In Gaza was installed a poster of 2 1300 metres. Paper mural was done for about 300 artists in the last 4 months and featured figures of the history of Jerusalem, in an allusion to the defense of the historical right to the land.

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