quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2016

Fire destroys tents in the migrant camp Calais

Several stalls were destroyed by fire during the night of Tuesday, Calais migrant camp known as "the jungle".

Riot police were in place to ensure the safety of firefighters while French club outbreaks of fire.

Organizations working with migrants ensure that the evacuation operation, which is ongoing in the "Jungle", affects more than 3000 people, including 300 unaccompanied children.

"We are not solving anything with the destruction of this camp, because refugees are still here. This only makes the situation more precarious. Some will live in containers and other us centres, but the State does not have adequate facilities for everyone, "says volunteer at non- governmental organization" Auberge des migrants ", Maya Konforti.

The evacuation was challenged in court by a group of migrants and organizations, but the Justice ruled in favor of the State.

"They're going to break up in" the jungle ", we don't know what we can do. We have problems of lack of food, clothes, everything is a problem. There are many families here. No one helps us. We're here, we can't do anything, "reveals the Afghan migrant, Safi Lal'Mohamed.

On Monday, clashes with police erupted while I was beginning the evacuation of part of the camp located on the outskirts of the city in Northern France, from which migrants try to cross the English channel to get to the United Kingdom

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