terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2016

Drought in Zimbabwe is the worst in 20 years

The current drought in Zimbabwe is already considered the most serious of all of southern Africa for the past 20 years by UNICEF. The lack of water is being caused by the weather phenomenon known as El Niño, and also by the intensive culture of corn.

The research programme for climate change, agriculture and food security says that the region has to change to avoid this kind of situation.

"We have to walk long distances to get water. Sometimes with babies on her back. I had to leave my baby of three months at home, seeing as I'm dirty. There is a big problem, "water Mollen jongwe, a resident in the Nuanetsi region.

With drought, famine and diseases come fro m. More than 4 million people need food aid and more than 33 1000 children in need of treatment for malnutrition.

About one million people in the country are receiving help from the United Nations world food programme. UNICEF also monitors the situation closely, especially in the regions most affected, especially in Mwenezi.

#Zimbabwe: Thanks to USAID WFP continues to provide relief for those effected by <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ElNino?src=hash">#ElNino</a> : <a href="https://t.co/TXTibrmDAn">https://t.co/TXTibrmDAn</a> <a href="https://t.co/wxkW5ExTVs">pic.twitter.com/wxkW5ExTVs</a><p>â€" World Food Programme (WFP) April 30, 2016

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