domingo, 12 de junho de 2016

Inhabitants of Donetsk protest against armed OSCE mission

A request that Kiev makes several months ago but which has to be approved by 57 States that are part of the Organization, including Russia.

The inhabitants are concerned:

"Under the guise of an armed mission they can send, for here, a terrorist unit as the" sector ", after the dress with the appropriate uniforms," said an inhabitant of the region.

#Donetsk: Placards read, “armed mission = military intervention” “no to OSCE armed mission”.

Last month the Secretary General of the OSCE stated that the organization is open to send armed perso nnel, if the question is consensual. In Donetsk other issues arise:

"We understand everyone clearly that for the armed forces of Ukraine armed monitors would be an easy target. And, as is tradition, would accuse us, "said Denis self-proclaimed Republic's Envoy Pushilin of Donetsk in Ukraine group.

For now, on the ground, there is a mission of unarmed OSCE observers who watch the fragile cease-fire.

The conflict between the Ukrainian forces and the rebels have made nearly 9400 pró-russos dead in just over two years.

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